When Should I Schedule My Child’s First Dental Visit?

When Should I Schedule My Child’s First Dental Visit?

Your child’s first visit to the dentist is an important milestone. Whether your little one has a full mouth of teeth or just one or two, it’s never too soon to start caring for that adorable smile. Dr. Kraklow and her kid-friendly team look forward to getting your little one’s oral health off to a great start!

When Should You Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Appointment?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s first visit to the dentist should occur within six months of that first little tooth appearing and no later than the first birthday. Routine dental exams and preventive care right from the start will translate to a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Why Do Baby Teeth Matter?

Even though they will eventually fall out, it’s important to maintain their health. If a child’s tooth is lost early on due to damage or decay, the neighboring teeth may shift or tilt into the space, leading to crooked teeth, a crowded mouth, and problems with the bite. That can result in the need for orthodontic treatments down the road.

Baby teeth generally start falling out by age 6 or 7, and some will be around until age 11 to 13. These little chompers maintain the space necessary for the adult teeth developing behind the scenes. They also affect your child’s ability to speak and chew. Early problems with the teeth can result in speech problems or poor eating habits.

What Should You Expect During Your Child’s First Dental Visit?

Dr. Kraklow will welcome you and your little one and make sure you are comfortable. She will ask you about your child’s medical history and if you have any questions or oral health concerns. 

Dr. Kraklow will examine your child’s teeth, gums, and jaw to make sure everything is developing the way it should. If needed, she’ll recommend a dental cleaning and fluoride treatment to keep those pearly whites clean and strong. She’ll also talk to you about teething, pacifier use, thumb-sucking, healthy nutrition, and proper dental hygiene practices to promote your child’s dental health.

How Can You Prepare Your Child for the First Dental Visit?

Build up excitement before your child’s first dental visit. Read books with your toddler about visiting the dentist and play “dentist” with a favorite stuffed animal or doll. Come prepared to the dentist’s appointment with a comfort toy and a snack or two.

During the appointment, make sure you use a soothing, relaxed tone and offer plenty of encouragement. Together, we’ll ensure your child has a positive and happy first visit!

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Near Me

Contact Kraklow Family Dentistry in Waukesha, WI, to learn more about our pediatric dentistry services. From the time the first tooth emerges, Dr. Kraklow and her team will work with you to establish oral hygiene habits for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Call 262-547-4433 to schedule your child’s appointment or request one online today!